Branting II
Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs | Hjalmar Branting | SAP |
Minister of Finance | Fredrik Vilhelm Thorsson | SAP |
Minister of Justice | Assar Åkerman | SAP |
Minister of Defence | Per Albin Hansson | SAP |
Minister of Social Welfare | Herman Lindgvist | SAP |
Minister of Education | Olof Olsson | SAP |
Minister of Agriculture | Sven Linders | SAP |
Minister of Trade | Carl Emil Svensson | SAP |
Minister of Communication | Anders Örne | SAP |
Consultative Minister | Rickard Sandler | SAP |
Consultative Minister | Torsten Nothin | SAP |
Consultative Minister | Karl Schlyter | SAP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu