
Federal Republic of Germany

Adenauer I

From: 20/09/1949
To: 06/09/1953

Chancellor Konrad Adenauer CDU
Vice-chancellor and Minister for Matters of the Marshall Plan Franz Blücher FDP
Minister of the Interior Gustav Heinemann CDU
Minister of Economy Ludwig Erhard INDEP.
Minister of Finance Fritz Schäffer CSU
Minister of Justice Thomas Dehler FDP
Minister of Labour Anton Storch CDU
Minister of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Wilhelm Niklas CSU
Minister of Transport Hans-Christoph Seebohm DP
Minister of Building Eberhard Wildermuth FDP
Minister of Post and Communications Hans Schuberth CSU
Minister of All-German Affairs Jakob Kaiser CDU
Minister for Affairs of the Bundesrat Heinrich Hellwege DP
Minister of Displaced Persons Hans Lukaschek CDU

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: