
Jaspar II

From: 22/11/1927
To: 26/05/1929

Prime Minister and Minister of Colonies Henri Jaspar KP
Minister of Interior Pauls Hymans LP
Minister of Finance and Colonies Paul-Émile Janson LP
Minister of Justice Maurice Vauthier LP
Minister of Defence Maurice August Lippens LP
Minister of Industry, Labour and Social Welfare Henri Baels KP
Minister of Arts and Science Albert Carnoy KP
Minister of Agriculture and Public Works Maurice Houtart KP
Minister of Railways, Posts and Telegraphs Hendrik Heyman KP
Minister withour Portfolio Charles de Broqueville KP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: