
Pierlot II

From: 18/04/1939
To: 02/09/1939

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Hubert Pierlot KP
Minister of Interior Albert Devèze LP
Minister of Economic Affairs and Middle Class Gustave Sap KP
Minister of Finance Camille Gutt INDEP.
Minister of Justice Paul-Emile Janson LP
Minister of Defence Henri Jean Denis INDEP.
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Antoine Delfosse KP
Minister of Public Works and Unemployment Arthur Vanderpoorten LP
Minister of Public Education Jules Duesberg INDEP.
Minister of Public Health Marcel Jaspar LP
Minister of Agriculture Charles d´Aspremont Lynden KP
Minister of Communications Hendrik Marck KP
Minister of Colonies Albert de Vleesschauwer KP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: