Van Acker II
Prime Minister and Minister of Coal | Achille Van Acker | PSB |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Paul-Henri Spaak | PSB |
Minister of Interior | Adolphe Van Glabbeke | LP |
Minister of Economic Affairs | Albert De Smaele | INDEP. |
Minister of Finance | Franz de Voghel | INDEP. |
Minister of Justice | Marcel Grégoire | UDB |
Minsiter of Defence | Léon Mundeleer | LP |
Minister of War | Jacques Basyn | UDB |
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare | Léon-Éli Troclet | PSB |
Minister of Public Education | Auguste Buisseret | LP |
Minsiter of Public Health | Albert Marteaux | KPB |
Minister of Agriculture | René Lefebvre | LP |
Minister of Communications | Ernest Rongvaux | PSB |
Minister of Public Works | Herman Vos | PSB |
Minister of Colonies | Robert Godding | LP |
Minister of War Victims | Adrien Van den Branden de Reeth | INDEP. |
Minister of Refueling | Edgard Lalmand | KPB |
Minister without Portfolio | Paul Kronacker | LP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: