Van Houtte
Prime Minister | Jean Van Houtte | CVP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Paul Van Zeeland | CVP |
Minister of Interior | Ludovic Moyersoen | CVP |
Minister of Economic Affairs and Middle Class | Jean Duvieusart | CVP |
Minister of Finance | Albert Edouard Janssen | CVP |
Minister of Justice | Joseph Pholien | CVP |
Minister of Defence | Edouard De Greef | INDEP. |
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare | Georges Van den Daele | CVP |
Minister of Public Education | Pierre Harmel | CVP |
Minister of Health and Family | Alfred De Taeye | CVP |
Minister of Agriculture | Charles Heger | CVP |
Minister of Foreign Trade | Joseph Meurice | CVP |
Minister of Communications | Paul Willem Segers | CVP |
Minister of Public Works | Oscar Behogne | CVP |
Minister of Reconstruction | Albert Coppé | CVP |
Minister of Colonies | André Dequae | CVP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: