
Van Acker IV

From: 23/04/1954
To: 01/06/1958

Prime Minister Achille Van Acker PSB
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade René Lefebvre LP
Minister of Interior Jean Rey LP
Minister of Economic Affairs and Middle Class Edouard Anseele PSB
Minister of Finance Albert Lilar LP
Minister of Justice Henri Liebaert LP
Minister of Defence Edmond Leburton PSB
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Leo Collard PSB
Minister of Public Education Léon-Eli Troclet PSB
Minister of Health and Family Adolphe Van Glabbeke LP
Minister of Agriculture Oscar Bossaert LP
Minister of Communications Antoon Spinoy PSB
Minister of Public Works Paul-Henri Spaak PSB
Minister of Colonies Auguste Buisseret LP
Minister of Reconstruction Piet Vermeylen PSB
Member of the Council of Ministers Victor Larock PSB

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: