
G. Eyskens III

From: 06/11/1958
To: 26/03/1961

Prime Minister Gaston Eyskens CVP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Pierre Wigny CVP
Minister of Interior René Lefebvre LP
Minister of Economic Affairs Jacques Van der Schueren LP
Minister of Finance Jean van Houtte CVP
Minister of Justice Laurent Merchiers LP
Minister of Defence Arthur Gilson CVP
Minister of Labour Oscar Behogne CVP
Minister of Public Education Charles Moureaux LP
Minister of Social Welfare Léon Servais CVP
Minister of Agriculture Albert de Vleeschauwer CVP
Minister of Cultural Affairs Pierre Harmel CVP
Minister of Foreign Trade Jacques Van Offelen LP
Minister of Communications Paul-Willem Segers CVP
Minister of Public Works and Reconstruction Omer Vanaudenhove LP
Minister of Middle Class Paul Vanden Boeynants CVP
Minister of Belgium Congo and Ruanda-Urundi Maurits Van Hemelrijck CVP
Member of the Council of Ministers Albert Lilar LP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: