G. Eyskens III
Prime Minister | Gaston Eyskens | CVP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Pierre Wigny | CVP |
Minister of Interior | René Lefebvre | LP |
Minister of Economic Affairs | Jacques Van der Schueren | LP |
Minister of Finance | Jean van Houtte | CVP |
Minister of Justice | Laurent Merchiers | LP |
Minister of Defence | Arthur Gilson | CVP |
Minister of Labour | Oscar Behogne | CVP |
Minister of Public Education | Charles Moureaux | LP |
Minister of Social Welfare | Léon Servais | CVP |
Minister of Agriculture | Albert de Vleeschauwer | CVP |
Minister of Cultural Affairs | Pierre Harmel | CVP |
Minister of Foreign Trade | Jacques Van Offelen | LP |
Minister of Communications | Paul-Willem Segers | CVP |
Minister of Public Works and Reconstruction | Omer Vanaudenhove | LP |
Minister of Middle Class | Paul Vanden Boeynants | CVP |
Minister of Belgium Congo and Ruanda-Urundi | Maurits Van Hemelrijck | CVP |
Member of the Council of Ministers | Albert Lilar | LP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: