

From: 26/01/1973
To: 10/03/1974

Prime Minister Edmond Leburton PSB
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Willy De Clercq PVV
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Budget Leo Tindemans CVP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Renaat Van Elslande CVP
Minister of Interior Edouard Close PSB
Minister of Economic Affairs Willy Claes PSB
Minister of Justice Herman Vanderpoorten PVV
Minister of Defence Paul Vanden Boeynants PSC
Minister of Employment and Labour Ernest Glinne PSB
Minister of National Education Michel Toussaint PLP
Minister of Public Education Willy Calewaert PSB
Minister of Public Health and Environment Jos De Saeger CVP
Minister of Agriculture Albert Lavens CVP
Minister of French Culture Pierre Falize PSB
Minister of Flemish Culture and Flemish Affairs Jos Chabert CVP
Minister of Communications Edward Anseele jr. PSB
Minister of Public Works Alfred Califice PSC
Minister of Social Welfare Frank Van Acker PSB
Minister of Science Policy, Eastern Townships and Tourism Charles Hanin PSC
Minister of Middle Class Léon Hannotte PLP
Minister of Brussels Affairs Guy Cudell PSB
Minister of Wallonian Affairs Jean-Pierre Grafé PSC

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: