
Martens VII

From: 09/05/1988
To: 28/09/1991

Prime Minister Wilfried Martens CVP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs Willy Claes SP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Melchior Wathelet PSC
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Freddy Willockx SP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Budget Hugo Schiltz VU
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Brussels Region Philippe Moureaux PS
Minister of Foreign Affairs Leo Tindemans CVP
Minister of the Interior Luois Tobback SP
Minister of Finance Philippe Maystadt PSC
Minister of Defence Guy Coëme PS
Minister of Labour and Employment Luc Van den Brande CVP
Minister of Education Yvan Ylieff PS
Minister of Foreign Trade Robert Urbain PS
Minister of Communications Jean-Luc Dehaene CVP
Minister of Public Works Paula D´Hondt CVP
Minister of Public Office Michel Hansenne PSC
Minister of Social Affairs Philippe Busquin PS
Minister of Development André Geens VU
Minister of Pensions Alain Van der Biest PS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: