Martens VII
Prime Minister | Wilfried Martens | CVP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs | Willy Claes | SP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice | Melchior Wathelet | PSC |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones | Freddy Willockx | SP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Budget | Hugo Schiltz | VU |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Brussels Region | Philippe Moureaux | PS |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Leo Tindemans | CVP |
Minister of the Interior | Luois Tobback | SP |
Minister of Finance | Philippe Maystadt | PSC |
Minister of Defence | Guy Coëme | PS |
Minister of Labour and Employment | Luc Van den Brande | CVP |
Minister of Education | Yvan Ylieff | PS |
Minister of Foreign Trade | Robert Urbain | PS |
Minister of Communications | Jean-Luc Dehaene | CVP |
Minister of Public Works | Paula D´Hondt | CVP |
Minister of Public Office | Michel Hansenne | PSC |
Minister of Social Affairs | Philippe Busquin | PS |
Minister of Development | André Geens | VU |
Minister of Pensions | Alain Van der Biest | PS |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: