Verhofstadt I
Prime Minister | Guy Verhofstadt | VLD |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs | Louis Michel | PRL |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Employment | Laurette Onkelinx | PS |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility and Transport | Isabelle Durant | ECOLO |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Budget, Social Integration and Social Economy | Johan Vande Lanotte | SP |
Minister of Interior | Antoine Duquesne | PRL |
Minister of Economy and Scientific Research | Rudy Willy Georges Demotte | PS |
Minister of Finance | Didier J.L. Reynders | PRL |
Minister of Justice | Marc Ernest Elisabeth Robert Juliette Verwilghen | VLD |
Minister of Defence | André Flahaut | PS |
Minister of Consumer Affairs, Health and Environment | Madgalena Aelvoet | AGALEV |
Minister of Agriculture | Petrus Josephus Jacobus Gabriëls | VLD |
Minister of Telecommunications | Hendrik Jules Joseph Daems | VLD |
Minister of Social Affairs | Frank Vandenbroucke | SP |
Minister of Public Office | Luc Karel Ghislain Van den Bossche | SP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: