
Verhofstadt I

From: 12/07/1999
To: 18/05/2003

Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt VLD
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Louis Michel PRL
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Employment Laurette Onkelinx PS
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility and Transport Isabelle Durant ECOLO
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Budget, Social Integration and Social Economy Johan Vande Lanotte SP
Minister of Interior Antoine Duquesne PRL
Minister of Economy and Scientific Research Rudy Willy Georges Demotte PS
Minister of Finance Didier J.L. Reynders PRL
Minister of Justice Marc Ernest Elisabeth Robert Juliette Verwilghen VLD
Minister of Defence André Flahaut PS
Minister of Consumer Affairs, Health and Environment Madgalena Aelvoet AGALEV
Minister of Agriculture Petrus Josephus Jacobus Gabriëls VLD
Minister of Telecommunications Hendrik Jules Joseph Daems VLD
Minister of Social Affairs Frank Vandenbroucke SP
Minister of Public Office Luc Karel Ghislain Van den Bossche SP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: