Van Rompuy
Prime Minister | Herman Van Rompuy | CD&V |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs | Karel Lodewijk Georgette Emmerence De Gucht | VLD |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Institutional Reforms | Didier J.L. Reynders | MR |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Employment and Equal Opportunities | Joëlle Milquet | CDH |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health | Laurette Onkenlinx | PS |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Civil Service, Public Enterprises and Institutional Reforms | Steven Vanackere | CD&V |
Minister of Interior | Guido De Pat | VLD |
Minister of Justice | Stefaan Maria Joris Yolanda De Clerck | CD&V |
Minister of Small amd Medium-Sized Enterprises, the Self-employed, Agriculture, and Scientific Policy | Sabine N.G.J.J. Laurelle | MR |
Minister of Defence | Pieter Frans Norbert Jozef Raymond De Crem | CD&V |
Minister of Environment and Energy | Paul Magnette | PS |
Minister of Social Integration, Pensions and Large Cities | Marie Arena | PS |
Minister of Development Cooperation | Charles Michel | MR |
Minister of Enterprise and Simplification | Vincent Paul Marie Van Quickenborne | VLD |
Minister of Migration and Asilum Policy | Annemie Turtelboom | VLD |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: