
Wilmès (caretaker)

From: 27/10/2019
To: 30/09/2020

Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès MR
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Foreign, Beliris and European Affairs Didier J.L. Reynders MR
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Fighting Fiscal Fraud and Development Cooperation Alexander De Croo VLD
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Koenraad Frans Julia Geens CD&V
Minister of Employment, Economy, Equal Rights, Fighting Poverty, Disabled Persons and Consumer Affairs Nathalie Muylle CD&V
Minister of Interior and Safety Pieter Frans Norbert Jozef Raymond De Crem CD&V
Minister of Asylum, Migration, Social Affairs and Health Maggie Celine Louise De Block VLD
Minister of the Middle Class, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Self-employed, Agriculture, Social Integration and Urban Policy Denis Ducarme MR
Minister of Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Marie-Christine E.F. Marghem MR
Minister of the Budget, Civil Service, National Lottery and Scientific Policy David Clarinval MR
Minister of Mobility and National Railway Company François Bellot MR
Minister of Pensions Daniel Marie Alain Bacquelaine MR
Minister of Administrative Simplification, Digital Agenda, Postal Services and Telecom Philippe De Backer VLD

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: