Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs and Gozo | Alfred Sant | PL |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Environment | George Vella | PL |
Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs | Lino Spiteri | PL |
Minister of Justice and Local Government | Charles Mangion | PL |
Minister of Social Security | Edwin Grech | PL |
Minister of Education and National Culture | Evarist Bartolo | PL |
Minister of Health Care for the Elderly and Family Affairs | Michael Farrugia | PL |
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries | Noel Farrugia | PL |
Minister of Industry | John Attard Montalto | PL |
Minister of Commerce | Leo Brincat | PL |
Minister of Public Works and Construction | Charles Buhagiar | PL |
Minister of Housing | Freddie Portelli | PL |
Minister of Tourism | Karmenu Vella | PL |
Minister without Portfolio | Joe Mizzi | PL |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: