Muscat II
Prime Minister | Joseph Muscat | PL |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Carmelo Abela | PL |
Minister of Home Affairs and National Security | Michael Farrugia | PL |
Minister of Economy, Investments and Small Business | Christian Cardona | PL |
Minister of Finance | Edward Scicluna | PL |
Minister of Justice, Culture and Local Government | Owen Bonnici | PL |
Minister of European Affairs and Equality | Helena Dalli | PL |
Minister of Education and Employment | Evarist Bartolo | PL |
Minister of Health | Chris Feame | PL |
Minister of Transport and Infrastructure | Ian Borg | PL |
Minister of Energy and Water Conservation | Konrad Mizzi | PL |
Minister of Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change | José Herrera | PL |
Minister of Tourism | Konrad Mizzi | PL |
Minister of Family Affairs and Children's Rights | Michael Falzon | PL |
Minister of Gozo | Justyne Caruana | PL |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: