

From: 13/01/2020

Prime Minister Robert Abela PL
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health Chris Fearne PL
Minister of Foreign and EU Affairs Evarist Bartolo PL
Minister of Home Affairs, Law Enforcement and National Security Byron Camilleri PL
Minister of Economy and industry Silvio Schembri PL
Minister of Finance Edward Scicluna PL
Minister of Justice, Equality and Governance Edward Zamit Lewis PL
Minister of Education and Employment Owen Bonnici PL
Minister of Agricultural and Fishing Policy, Animal and Consumer Rights Clint Camilleri PL
Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg PL
Minister of Energy and Water Conservation Michael Farrugia PL
Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia PL
Minister of Tourism and Consumer Protection Julia Farrugia Portelli PL
Minister of National Heritage, Arts and Local Government José Herrera PL
Minister of Social Justice, Solidarity, Family Affairs and Children's Rights Michael Falzon PL
Minister of Social Housing Roderick Galdes PL
Minister of Gozo Justyne Caruana PL
Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister Carmelo Abela PL

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: