
Second Republic

Vranitzky IV

From: 29/11/1994
To: 17/12/1995

Chancellor Franz Vranitzky SPÖ
Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Education and Culture Erhard Busek ÖVP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Alois Mock ÖVP
Minister of the Interior Franz Löschnak SPÖ
Minister of Economy Wolfgang Schüssel ÖVP
Minister of Finance Ferdinand Lacina SPÖ
Minister of Justice Nikolaus Michalek INDEP.
Minister of Defence Werner Fasslabend ÖVP
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Josef Hesoun SPÖ
Minister of Science, Research and Arts Rudolf Scholten SPÖ
Minister of Health and Consumer Protection Christa Krammer SPÖ
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Wilhelm Molterer ÖVP
Minister of Transport and Public Economy Viktor Klima SPÖ
Minister of Environment Maria Rauch-Kallat ÖVP
Minister of Youth and Family Sonja Moser ÖVP
Minister of Woman's Affairs Johanna Dohnal SPÖ

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: