
Second Republic

Bierlein (ad interim)

From: 03/06/2019
To: 29/09/2019

Chancellor Brigitte Bierlein INDEP.
Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Justice Clemens Jabloner INDEP.
Minister of Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg INDEP.
Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Peschorn INDEP.
Minister of Digital and Economic Affairs Elisabeth Udolf-Strobl INDEP.
Minister of Finance, Civil Service and Sport Eduard Müller INDEP.
Minister of National Defence Thomas Starlinger INDEP.
Minister of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection Brigitte Zarfl INDEP.
Minister of Education, Science and Research Iris Eliisa Rauskala INDEP.
Minister of Sustainability and Tourism Maria Patek INDEP.
Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology Andreas Reichhardt INDEP.
Minister of Women, Family and Youth Ines Stilling INDEP.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: