United Kingdom
Attlee II
Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury | Clement Richard Attlee | LAB. |
Deputy Prime Minister and Lord President of the Council | Herbert Stanley Morrison | LAB. |
Lord Chancellor | William Allen Jowitt | LAB. |
Lord Privy Seal | Christopher Addison | LAB. |
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs | Ernest Bevin | LAB. |
Secretary of State for the Home Department | James Chuter Ede | LAB. |
Chancellor of the Exchequer and Second Lord of the Treasury | Richard Stafford Cripps | LAB. |
Minister of Defence | Emanuel Shinwell | LAB. |
Minister of Labour and National Service | George Alfred Isaacs | LAB. |
President of the Board of Education | George Tomlinson | LAB. |
Minister of Health | Aneurin Bevan | LAB. |
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries | Thomas Williams | LAB. |
President of the Board of Trade | James Harold Wilson | LAB. |
Secretary of State for Scotland | Hector McNeil | LAB. |
Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations | Patrick Chrestien Gordon Walker | LAB. |
Secretary of State for the Colonies | James Griffiths | LAB. |
Minister of Town and Country Planning | Edward Hugh John Neale Dalton | LAB. |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu