United Kingdom

Wilson II

From: 06/04/1966
To: 18/06/1970

Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury James Harold Wilson LAB.
Lord Chancellor Gerald Austin Gardiner LAB.
Lord President of the Council Herbert Wiliam Bowden LAB.
Lord Privy Seal Francis Aungier Pakenham LAB.
First Secretaty of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs George Alfred Brown LAB.
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Robert Michael Maitland Stewart LAB.
Secretary of State for the Home Department Roy Harris Jenkins LAB.
Chancellor of the Exchequer and Second Lord of the Treasury Leonard James Callaghan LAB.
Secretaty of State for Defence Denis Winston Healey LAB.
Secretary of State for Education and Science Charles Anthony Raven Crosland LAB.
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Thomas Frederick Peart LAB.
Minister of Transport Barbara Anne Castle LAB.
President of the Board of Trade Douglas Patrick Thomas Jay LAB.
Secretaty of State for Commonwealth Relations Arthur Geeorge Bottomley LAB.
Secretary of State for the Colonies Frederick Lee LAB.
Minister of Housing and Local Government Richard Howard Stafford Crossman LAB.
Minister of Overseas Development Arthur William James Anthony Greenwood LAB.
Minister of Technology Frank Cousins LAB.
Minister of Power Richard William Marsh LAB.
Minister without Portfolio Arthur Leslie Noel Douglas Houghton LAB.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu