United Kingdom

Lloyd George I (war cabinet)

From: 10/01/1919
To: 31/10/1919

Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury David Lloyd George LIB.
Lord Chancellor Frederick Edwin Smith CONS.
Lord President of the Council George Nathaniel Curzon CONS.
Lord Privy Seal Andrew Bonar Law CONS.
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Arthur James Balfour CONS.
Secretary of State for the Home Department Edward Shortt LIB.
Chancellor of the Exchequer and Second Lord of the Treasury Joseph Austen Chamberlain CONS.
Secretary of State for Air and War Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill LIB.
First Lord of the Admiralty Walter Hulme Long CONS.
Minister of Labour Robert Stevenson Horne CONS.
President of the Board of Education Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher LIB.
President of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Rowland Edmund Prothero CONS.
President of the Board of Trade Albert Henry Stanley CONS.
President of the Local Government Board Christopher Addison LIB.
Secretary for Scotland Robert Munro LIB.
Chief Secretary for Ireland Ian Stewart Macpherson LIB.
Secretary of State for India Edwin Samuel Montagu LIB.
Secretary of State for the Colonies Alfred Milner CONS.
Minister without Portfolio Worthington Laming Worthington-Evans CONS.
Minister without Portfolio George Nicoll Barnes NDP
Minister without Portfolio Eric Campbell-Geddes CONS.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu