
Janša I

From: 03/12/2004
To: 21/09/2008

Prime Minister Janez Janša SDS
Minister for Foreign Affairs Dimitrij Rupel SDS
Minister for the Interior Dragutin Mate SDS
Minister for Economy Andrej Vizjak SDS
Minister for Finance Andrej Bajuk NSI
Minister for Justice Lovro Šturm NSI
Minister for Defence Karl Erjavec DESUS
Minister of Labour, Family and Social Matters Janez Drobnič NSI
Minister for Education and Sport Milan Zver SDS
Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Jure Zupan NSI
Minister for Health Andrej Bručan SDS
Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food Marija Lukačič SDS
Minister for Culture Vasko Simoniti SDS
Minister for Transport Janez Božič SLS
Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning Janez Podobnik SLS
Minister of Public Administration Gregor Virant SDS
Minister without Portfolio Ivan Zagar SLS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: