
Third Republic

Passos Coelho II (unsuccessful)

From: 29/10/2015
To: 09/11/2015

Prime Minister Pedro Manuel Mamede Passos Coelho PSD
Deputy Prime Minister Paulo Sacadura Cabral Portas CDS/PP
Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs Maria Luís Casanova Morgado Dias de Alburquerque PSD
Minister of State and Minister of Finance Rui Manuel Parente Chancerelle de Machete PSD
Minister of the Interior João Calvão da Silva PSD
Minister of Economy Luís Miguel Gubert de Morais Leitão CDS/PP
Minister of Justice Fernando Mimoso Negrão PSD
Minister of National Defence José Pedro Correia de Aguiar Branco PSD
Minister of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security Luís Pedro Russo da Mota Soares CDS/PP
Minister of Education and Science Margarida Isabel Mano Tavares Simões Lopes Marques de Almeida INDEP.
Minister of Health Fernando Serra Leal da Costa INDEP.
Minister of Agriculture and Sea Maria de Assunção Oliveira Cristas Machado da Graça CDS/PP
Minister of Culture, Equality and Citizenship Maria Teresa da Silva Morais PSD
Minister of Environment, Territorial Organization and Energy Jorge Manuel Lopes Moreira da Silva PSD
Minister of Administrative Modernization Rui Pedro Costa Melo Medeiros INDEP.
Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Carlos Henrique da Costa Neves PSD
Minister of Presidency and Regional Development Luís Maria de Barros Serra Marques Guedes PSD

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu