
Antall II

From: 24/02/1992
To: 12/12/1993

Prime Minister Jószef Antall MDF
Minister of Foreign Affairs Géza Jeszenszky MDF
Minister of Interior Péter Boross INDEP.
Minister of Finance Mihály Kupa INDEP.
Minister of Justice Istvan Balsai MDF
Minister of Defence Lajos Für MDF
Minister of Labour Gyula Kiss EKGP
Minister of Welfare László Surján KDNP
Minister of Culture and Education Bertalan Andrásfalvy MDF
Minister of Agriculture Elemer Gergátz EKGP
Minister of Transport, Communication and Water Management Csaba Siklós MDF
Minister of Industry and Trade Istvan Szabo MDF
Minister of Environmental Protection and Urban Development Sándor K. Keresztes MDF
Minister of International Economic Relations Béla Kádár MDF
Minister without Portfolio Tamás Szabó MDF
Minister without Portfolio András Gálszécsy INDEP.
Minister without Portfolio Jószef Ference Nagy EKGP
Minister without Portfolio Balázs Horváth MDF
Minister without Portfolio Ferenc Mádl INDEP.
Minister without Portfolio Ernö Pungor INDEP.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: