Antall II
Prime Minister | Jószef Antall | MDF |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Géza Jeszenszky | MDF |
Minister of Interior | Péter Boross | INDEP. |
Minister of Finance | Mihály Kupa | INDEP. |
Minister of Justice | Istvan Balsai | MDF |
Minister of Defence | Lajos Für | MDF |
Minister of Labour | Gyula Kiss | EKGP |
Minister of Welfare | László Surján | KDNP |
Minister of Culture and Education | Bertalan Andrásfalvy | MDF |
Minister of Agriculture | Elemer Gergátz | EKGP |
Minister of Transport, Communication and Water Management | Csaba Siklós | MDF |
Minister of Industry and Trade | Istvan Szabo | MDF |
Minister of Environmental Protection and Urban Development | Sándor K. Keresztes | MDF |
Minister of International Economic Relations | Béla Kádár | MDF |
Minister without Portfolio | Tamás Szabó | MDF |
Minister without Portfolio | András Gálszécsy | INDEP. |
Minister without Portfolio | Jószef Ference Nagy | EKGP |
Minister without Portfolio | Balázs Horváth | MDF |
Minister without Portfolio | Ferenc Mádl | INDEP. |
Minister without Portfolio | Ernö Pungor | INDEP. |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: