
Orbán I

From: 08/07/1998
To: 21/04/2002

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán FIDESZ-MPP
Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi INDEP.
Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér INDEP.
Minister of Economic Affairs Atilla Chikán INDEP.
Minister of Finance Zsigmond Járai INDEP.
Minister of Justice Ibolya Dávid MDF
Minister of Defence János Szabó FKGP
Minister of Social and Family Affairs Péter Harrach MKDSZ
Minister of Education Zoltán Pokorni FIDESZ-MPP
Minister of Health Árpad Gógl FIDESZ-MPP
Minister of Agriculture and Countryside Development József Torgyán FKGP
Minister of Cultural Heritage József Hámori INDEP.
Minister of Transport, Communication and Water Management Kalmán Kantona FIDESZ-MPP
Minister of Environmental Protection Pál Pepó INDEP.
Minister Leading the Prime Minister´s Office István Stumpf INDEP.
Minister without Portfolio László Köver FIDESZ-MPP
Minister without Portfolio Imre Boros FKGP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: