
Gyurcsány I

From: 30/09/2004
To: 23/04/2006

Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány MSZP
Minister of Foreign Affairs László Kovács MSZP
Minister of Interior Mónika Lamperth MSZP
Minister of Economic Affairs and Transport János Kóka SZDSZ
Minister of Finance Tybor Draskovics MSZP
Minister of Justice József Petrétei MSZP
Minister of Defence László Juhász MSZP
Minister of Labour and Enployment Gábor Csizmár MSZP
Minister of Education Bálint Magyar SZDSZ
Minister of Health Jenö Rácz MSZP
Minister of Agriculture and Countryside Development Imre Németh MSZP
Minister of Cultural Heritage István Hiller MSZP
Minister of Environmental Protection and Water Management Miklós Persányi SZDSZ
Minister of Youth, Family, Social and Equality Affairs Kinga Göncz MSZP
Minister of Informatics and Communication Kálmán Kovács SZDSZ
Minister Leading the Prime Minister´s Office Péter Kiss MSZP
Minister without Portfolio responsible for Regional Development István Kolber MSZP
Minister without Portfolio responsible for European Affairs Etele Baráth MSZP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: