Gyurcsány I
Prime Minister | Ferenc Gyurcsány | MSZP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | László Kovács | MSZP |
Minister of Interior | Mónika Lamperth | MSZP |
Minister of Economic Affairs and Transport | János Kóka | SZDSZ |
Minister of Finance | Tybor Draskovics | MSZP |
Minister of Justice | József Petrétei | MSZP |
Minister of Defence | László Juhász | MSZP |
Minister of Labour and Enployment | Gábor Csizmár | MSZP |
Minister of Education | Bálint Magyar | SZDSZ |
Minister of Health | Jenö Rácz | MSZP |
Minister of Agriculture and Countryside Development | Imre Németh | MSZP |
Minister of Cultural Heritage | István Hiller | MSZP |
Minister of Environmental Protection and Water Management | Miklós Persányi | SZDSZ |
Minister of Youth, Family, Social and Equality Affairs | Kinga Göncz | MSZP |
Minister of Informatics and Communication | Kálmán Kovács | SZDSZ |
Minister Leading the Prime Minister´s Office | Péter Kiss | MSZP |
Minister without Portfolio responsible for Regional Development | István Kolber | MSZP |
Minister without Portfolio responsible for European Affairs | Etele Baráth | MSZP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: