Löfven I
Prime Minister | Stefan Löfven | SAP |
Minister of Strategic Development and Nordic Cooperation | Kristina Persson | SAP |
Minister of Finance | Madgalena Andersson | SAP |
Minister of Financial Markets and Consumer Affairs | Per Boland | MP |
Minister of Public Administration | Ardalan Shekarabi | SAP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Margot Wallström | SAP |
Minister of International Development Cooperation | Isabella Lövin | MP |
Minister of Education | Gustav Frodolin | MP |
Minister of Higher Education and Research | Helene Hellmark Knutsson | SAP |
Minister of Upper Secondary School and Adult Education and Training | Aida Hadžialić | SAP |
Minister of Social Security | Annika Standhäll | SAP |
Minister of Public Health, Healthcare and Sports | Gabriel Wikström | SAP |
Minister of Children, the Ederly and Gender Equality | Åsa Regnér | SAP |
Minister of Climate and Enviroment | Åsa Romson | MP |
Minister of Energy | Ibrahim Baylan | SAP |
Minister of Enterprise and Innovation | Mikael Damberg | SAP |
Minister of Housing and Urban Development | Mehmet Kaplan | MP |
Minister of Infrastructure | Anna Johansson | SAP |
Minister of Rural Affairs | Seven-Erik Bucht | SAP |
Minister of Culture and Democracy | Alica Bah Kuhnke | MP |
Minister of Defence | Peter Hultqvist | SAP |
Minister of Justice and Migration | Morgan Johansson | SAP |
Minister of Home Affairs | Anders Ygeman | SAP |
Minister of Employment | Ylva Johansson | SAP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu