Schlüter V
Prime Minister | Poul Holmskov Schlüter | C |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Uffe Ellemann-Jensen | V |
Minister of Economy and Taxation | Anders Fogh Rasmussen | V |
Minister of Finance | Henning Dyremose | C |
Minister of Justice | Hans Engell | C |
Minister of Defence | Knud Enggaard | V |
Minister of Labour | Knud Erik Kirkegaard | C |
Minister of Welfare | Else Winther Andersen | V |
Minister of Education and Research | Bertel Haarder | V |
Minister of Health | Ester Larsen | V |
Minister of Agriculture | Laurits Petersen Tørnaes | V |
Minister of Culture | Grethe Fogh Røstboll | C |
Minister of Transport | Kaj Ikast | C |
Minister of Industry and Energy | Anne Birgitte Lundholt | C |
Minister of Environment | Per Stij Møller | C |
Minister of Housing | Svend Erik Hovmand | V |
Minister of Church Affairs and Communications | Torben Rechendorff | C |
Minister of Fisheries | Kent Kirk | C |
Minsiter for Nordic Cooperation | Thor Pedersen | V |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: