
Meciar I

From: 12/01/1993
To: 09/11/1993

Prime Minister Vladimír Mečiar HZDS
Deputy Prime Minister Roman Kováč HZDS
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Relations Milan Kňažko HZDS
Minister of the Interior Jozef Tuchyňa INDEP.
Minister of Economy L'udovít Černák INDEP.
Minister of Finance Július Tóth HZDS
Minister of Justice Katarína Tóthová HZDS
Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Olga Keltošová HZDS
Minister of Education and Science Matúš Kučera HZDS
Minister of Health Vilian Soboňa HZDS
Minister of Agriculture Peter Baco HZDS
Minister of Culture Dušan Slobodník HZDS
Minister of Transport, Communication and Public Works Roman Hofbauer HZDS
Minister of Environment Ján Zlocha HZDS
Minister for Administration and Privatization of National Assets L'ubomir Dolgoš HZDS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: