Meciar I
Prime Minister | Vladimír Mečiar | HZDS |
Deputy Prime Minister | Roman Kováč | HZDS |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Relations | Milan Kňažko | HZDS |
Minister of the Interior | Jozef Tuchyňa | INDEP. |
Minister of Economy | L'udovít Černák | INDEP. |
Minister of Finance | Július Tóth | HZDS |
Minister of Justice | Katarína Tóthová | HZDS |
Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family | Olga Keltošová | HZDS |
Minister of Education and Science | Matúš Kučera | HZDS |
Minister of Health | Vilian Soboňa | HZDS |
Minister of Agriculture | Peter Baco | HZDS |
Minister of Culture | Dušan Slobodník | HZDS |
Minister of Transport, Communication and Public Works | Roman Hofbauer | HZDS |
Minister of Environment | Ján Zlocha | HZDS |
Minister for Administration and Privatization of National Assets | L'ubomir Dolgoš | HZDS |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: