Dzurinda II
Prime Minister | Mikuláš Dzurinda | SDKÚ |
Deputy Prime Minister | Pál Csáky | SMK |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy | Robert Nemcsics | ANO |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finances | Ivan Mikloš | SDKÚ |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice | Daniel Lipšic | KDH |
Minister of Foreign Relations | Eduard Kukan | SDKÚ |
Minister of the Interior | Valdimír Palko | KDH |
Minister of Defence | Ivan Šimko | SDKÚ |
Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family | L´udovít Kaník | DS |
Minister of Education | Martin Fronc | KDH |
Minister of Health | Rudolf Zajac | ANO |
Minister of Agriculture | Zsolt Simon | SMK |
Minister of Culture | Rudolf Chmel | ANO |
Minister of Transport and Telecommunications | Pavol Prokopovič | SDKÚ |
Minister of Environment | László Miklós | SMK |
Minister of Construction and Public Works | László Gyurovszky | SMK |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: