
Gherman (acting)

From: 22/06/2015
To: 29/07/2015

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Natalia Gherman PLDM
Deputy Prime Minister Victor Osipov INDEP.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Stéphane Christophe Bridé INDEP.
Minister of Internal Affairs Oleg Balan PLDM
Minister of Finance Anatol Arapu INDEP.
Minister of Justice Vladimir Grosu INDEP.
Minister of Defence Viorel Cibotaru PLDM
Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family Ruxanda Glavan PDM
Minister of Education Maia Sandu PLDM
Minister of Health Mircea Buga PLDM
Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Ion Sulă PLDM
Minister of Culture Monica Babuc PDM
Minister of Transport and Road Infraestructure Vasile Botnari PDM
Minister of Environment Sergiu Palihovici PLDM
Minister of Regional Development and Construction Vasile Bîtca PDM
Minister of Information Technology and Communications Pavel Filip PDM
Minister of Youth and Sport Serghei Afanasenco INDEP.

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: