Prime Minister | Natalia Gavrilița | PAS |
Deputy Prime Minister | Vladislav Kulminski | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister | Iurie Țurcanu | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Afairs and European Integration | Nicolae Popescu | INDEP. |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development | Andrei Spînu | PAS |
Minister of Internal Affairs | Ana Revenco | INDEP. |
Minister of Economy | Sergiu Gaibu | INDEP. |
Minister of Finance | Dumitru Budianschi | PAS |
Minister of Justice | Sergiu Litvinenco | PAS |
Minister of Defence | Anatolie Nosatîi | INDEP. |
Minister of Labour and Social Protection | Marcel Spatari | INDEP. |
Minister of Education and Research | Anatolie Topală | INDEP. |
Minister of Health | Ala Nemerenco | INDEP. |
Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry | Viorel Gherciu | INDEP. |
Minister of Culture | Sergiu Prodan | INDEP. |
Minister of Environment | Iuliana Cantaragiu | PAS |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: