Republic of Latvia (post-1989)
Kalvitis III
Prime Minister | Aigars Kalvītis | TP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Artis Pabriks | TP |
Minister of the Interior | Ivars Godmanis | LPP/LC |
Minister of Economics | Jurijs Strods | TB/LNNK |
Minister of Finance | Oskars Spurdziņš | TP |
Minister of Justice | Gaidis Bērziņš | TB/LNNK |
Minister of Defence | Atis Slakteris | TP |
Minister of Welfare | Dagnija Staķe | ZZS |
Minister of Education and Science | Baiba Rivža | ZZS |
Minister of Health Care | Gundars Bērziņš | TP |
Minister of Agriculture | Mārtiņš Roze | ZZS |
Ministure of Culture | Helēna Demakova | TP |
Minister of Transport | Ainārs Šlesers | LPP/LC |
Minister of Environment | Raimonds Vējonis | ZZS |
Minister of Regional Development and Municipal Affairs | Aigars Štokenbergs | TP |
Minister of Children and Family Matters | Ainārs Baštiks | LPP/LC |
Minister-at-large for Electronic Government Affairs | Ina Gudele | ZZS |
Minister-at-large for Societal Integration | Oskars Kastēns | LPP/LC |
Minister-at-large for Administration of European Union Funds | Normunds Broks | TB/LNNK |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: