
Republic of Latvia (post-1989)

Dombrovkis II

From: 13/05/2010
To: 02/10/2010

Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis JL
Minister of Foreign Affairs Aivis Ronis INDEP.
Minister of the Interior Tatjana Koķe ZZS
Minister of Economics Einars Repše JL
Minister of Finance Linda Mūrniece JL
Minister of Justice Didzis Gavars INDEP.
Minister of Defence Imants Viesturs Liegis PS
Minister of Welfare Dagnija Staķe ZZS
Minister of Education and Science Ints Dālderis INDEP.
Minister of Health Care Raimonds Vējonis ZZS
Ministure of Culture Uldis Augulis ZZS
Minister of Environment Jānis Dūklavs ZZS
Minister of Children and Family Matters Artis Kampars JL
Minister of Regional Development and Municipal Affairs Kaspards Gerhards TB/LNNK

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