Republic of Turkey (post-WWII)
Prime Minister | Mehmet Recep Peker | CHP |
Minister of State | Mustafa Abdülhalik Renda | CHP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Hasan Saka | CHP |
Minister of Interior | Şükrü Sökmensüer | CHP |
Minister of Economy | Tahsin Bekir Balta | CHP |
Minister of Finance | Halit Nazmi Keşmir | CHP |
Minister of Justice | Mümtaz Ökmen | CHP |
Minister of National Defence | Cemil Cahit Toydemir | CHP |
Minister of Labour | Mahmoud Sadi Irmak | CHP |
Minister of National Education | Reşat Şemsettin Sirer | CHP |
Minister of Health and Social Welfare | Behçet Salih Uz | CHP |
Minsiter of Agriculture | Faik Kurdoğlu | CHP |
Minister of Transport | Şükrü Koçak | CHP |
Minister of Trade | Atıf İnan | CHP |
Minister of Public Works | Cevdet Kerim İncedayi | CHP |
Minister of Customs and Monopolies | Tahsin Coşkan | CHP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu