
Republic of Turkey (post-WWII)


From: 10/09/1947
To: 15/01/1949

Prime Minister Hasan Hüsnü Saka CHP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Faik Ahmet Barutçu CHP
Minister of State Mustafa Abdülhalik Renda CHP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Necmettin Sadık Sadak CHP
Minister of Interior Münir Hüsrev Göle CHP
Minister of Economy Cavit Ekin CHP
Minister of Finance Halit Nazmi Keşmir CHP
Minister of Justice Mehmet Şinasi Devrin CHP
Minister of National Defence Mustafa Münir Birsel CHP
Minister of Labour Tahsin Bekir Balta CHP
Minister of Education Reşat Şemsettin Sirer CHP
Minister of Health and Social Welfare Behçet Salih Uz CHP
Minsiter of Agriculture Tahsin Coşkan CHP
Minister of Transport Şükrü Koçak CHP
Minister of Trade Mahmut Nedim Gündüzalp CHP
Minister of Public Works Kasım Rifat Gülek CHP
Minister of Customs and Monopolies Hasan Şevket Adalan CHP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu