
Republic of Turkey (post-1960 coup)

Inönü II

From: 25/06/1962
To: 24/12/1963

Prime Minister Mustafa İsmet İnönü CHP
Deputy Prime Minister Ekem Alican YTP
Deputy Prime Minister Hassan Dinçer CKMP
Deputy Prime Minister Turhan Feyzioğlu CHP
Minister of State Raif Aybar YTP
Minister of State Necmi Ökten INDEP.
Minister of State Hıfzı Oğuz Bekata CHP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Feridum Cemal Erkin INDEP.
Minister of the Interior Kemal Sahir Kurutluoğlu INDEP.
Minister of Finance Ferit Melen CHP
Minister of Justice Abdullah Kemal Yörük CKMP
Minister of National Defence Mehmet İlhami Sancar CHP
Minister of Labour Bülent Ecevit CHP
Minister of Education Şevket Raşit Hatipoğlu CHP
Minister of Health and Social Welfare Yusuf Azizoğlu YTP
Minister of Agriculture Mehmet İzmen YTP
Minister of Industry Fehti Çelikbaş CHP
Minister of Public Works İlyas Seçkin CHP
Minister of Communications Rifat Öçtem YTP
Minister of Commerce Mehmet Muhlis Ete CHP
Minister of Customs and Monopolies Orhan Öztrak CHP
Minister of Press, Broadcasting and Tourism Celal Tevfik Karasapan CKMP
Minister of Reconstruction and Resettlement Fahrettin Kerin Gökay YTP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu