Republic of Turkey (post-1960 coup)
Inönü III
Prime Minister | Mustafa İsmet İnönü | CHP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State | Kemal Satır | CHP |
Minister of State | Malik Yolaç | INDEP. |
Minister of State | İbrahim Saffet Omay | CHP |
Minister of State | Vefik Pirinççloğlu | CHP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Feridun Cemal Erkin | INDEP. |
Minister of the Interior | Orhan Öztrak | CHP |
Minister of Finance | Ferit Melen | CHP |
Minister of Justice | Mehmet Sedat Çumralı | CHP |
Minister of National Defence | Mehmet İlhami Sancar | CHP |
Minister of Labour | Bülent Ecevit | CHP |
Minister of Education | İbrahim Hulusi Öktem | CHP |
Minister of Health and Social Welfare | Kemal Demir | CHP |
Minister of Agriculture | Mehmet Turan Şahin | CHP |
Minister of Rural Affairs | Lebit Yordoğlu | CHP |
Minister of Transport | Abdurrahman Ferit Alpiskender | CHP |
Minister of Industry | Muammer Erten | CHP |
Minister of Trade | Mehmet Fenni İslimyeli | CHP |
Minister of Housing and Construction | Celalettin Uzer | CHP |
Minister of Public Works | Arif Hikmet Onat | CHP |
Minister of Tourism | Ali Ihsan Göğüş | CHP |
Min ister of Energy and Natural Resources | Arif Hüdai Oral | CHP |
Minister of Monopoly | Mehmet Yüceler | CHP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu