San Marino

Republic of San Marino (post-WWII)

Stolfi III

From: 27/11/2007
To: 09/11/2008

Secretary of State of Foreign and Political Affairs and Economic Program Fiorenzo Stolfi PSED
Secretary of State of Internal Affairs, Civil Protection and Program Implementation Valeria Ciavatta AP
Secretary of State of Finance, Budget, Posts and Taxes Stefano Macina PSED
Secretary of State of Justice, Information and Peace Ivan Foschi SU
Secretary of State of Labour, Cooperation and Youth Policies Pier Marino Mularoni DDC
Secretary of State of Public Education, University, Cultural Institutes and Social Affairs Francesca Michelotti SU
Secretary of State of Health, Social Insurance, Welfare and Equal Opportunities Mauro Chiaruzzi PSED
Secretary of State of Territory, Environment and Agriculture Marino Riccardi PSED
Secretary of State of Industry, Crafts, Trade and Research Tito Masi AP
Secretary of State of Tourism, Sports, Telecommunications and Economic Cooperation Antonio Bacciocchi PSED

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2024): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: