Republic of Turkey (post-1960 coup)
Demirel III
Prime Minister | Süleyman Demirel | AP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State | Necmettin Erbakan | MSP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State | Turhan Feyzioğlu | CGP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State | Alparslan Türkeş | MHP |
Minister of State | Seyfi Öztürk | AP |
Minister of State | Hasan Aksay | MSP |
Minister of State | Mustafa Kemal Erkovan | MHP |
Minister of State | Mehmet Gıyasettin Karaca | AP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | İhsan Sabri Çağlayangil | AP |
Minister of the Interior | Oğuzhan Asiltürk | MSP |
Minister of Finance | Yılmaz Ergenekon | AP |
Minister of Justice | İsmail Müftüoğlu | MSP |
Minister of National Defence | Ferit Melen | CGP |
Minister of Labour | Ahmet Tevfik Paksu | MSP |
Minister of Education | Ali Naili Erdem | AP |
Minister of Health and Social Welfare | Kemal Demir | CGP |
Minister of Agriculture and Food | Korkut Özal | MSP |
Minister of Culture | Rıfkı Danışman | AP |
Minister of Rural Affairs | Vefa Poyraz | AP |
Minister of Transport | Nahit Menteşe | AP |
Minister of Industry and Technology | Abdülkerim Doğru | MSP |
Minister of Trade | Halil Başol | AP |
Minister of Sport and Youth | Ali Şevki Erek | AP |
Minister of Housing and Construction | Nurettin Ok | AP |
Minister of Public Works | Fehim Adak | MSP |
Minister of Forestry | Turhan Kapanlı | AP |
Minister of Customs and Excise Minister | Orhan Öztrak | CGP |
Minister of Tourism and Promotion | Lütfi Tokoğlu | AP |
Min ister of Energy and Natural Resources | Mehmet Selahattin Kılıç | AP |
Minister of Social Security | Ahmet Mahir Ablum | AP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu