
Kyprianou II

From: 10/09/1980
To: 13/02/1983

President Spyros Kyprianou DIKO
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicos Rolandis DIKO
Minister of Interior and Defence Christodoulos Veniamin DIKO
Minister of Finance Alxentis Afxentiou DIKO
Minister of Justice Andreas Demetriades DIKO
Minister of Labour and Social Insurance Giorgios Stavrinakis DIKO
Minister of Education Nikolaos Konomis INDEP.
Minister of Health Giorgios Tompazos INDEP.
Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Nicos Pattichis DIKO
Minister of Commerce and Industry Konstantin Kittis DIKO
Minister of Communications and Works Giorgios Hadjicostas DIKO
Minister to the Presidency Stelios Katsellis DIKO
Secretary State for the Interior and Defence Petros Stylianou DIKO

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: