
Republic of Turkey (post-1960 coup)

Ecevit III

From: 05/01/1978
To: 11/11/1979

Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit CHP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Orhan Ferruh Eyüpoğlu CHP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Turhan Feyzioğlu CGP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Mehmet Faruk Sükan DP
Minister of State Devlet Çetin CHP
Minister of State Enver Akova INDEP.
Minister of State Lütfi Doğan INDEP.
Minister of State Mehmet Salih Yıldız CGP
Minister of State Ali Rıza Septioğlu INDEP.
Miister of State Mustafa Kılıç INDEP.
Minister of State Ahmet Şener CHP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Gündüz Ökçün CHP
Minister of the Interior İrfan Özaydınlı CHP
Minister of Finance Ziya Müezzinoğlu CHP
Minister of National Defence Hasan Esat Işık CHP
Minister of Labour Ahmet Bahir Ersoy CHP
Minister of Education Mustafa Necdet Uğur CHP
Minister of Health and Social Welfare Mete Tan INDEP.
Minister of Agriculture and Food Mehmet Yüceler CHP
Minister of Culture Ahmet Taner Kışlalı CHP
Minister of Rural Affairs Ali Topuz CHP
Minister of Transport Güneş Öngüt INDEP.
Minister of Industry and Technology Orhan Alp INDEP.
Minister of Trade Teoman Körpülüler CHP
Minister of Sport and Youth Yüksel Çakmur CHP
Minister of Housing and Construction Ahmet Karaaslan INDEP.
Minister of Public Works Şerafettin Elçi CHP
Minister of Forestry Vecdi İlhan CHP
Minister of Customs and Excise Minister Tuncay Mataracı INDEP.
Minister of Tourism and Promotion Alev Coşkun CHP
Min ister of Energy and Natural Resources Deniz Baykal CHP
Attorney-General Mehmet Can CHP
Business Minister Yusuf Kenan Bulutoğlu CHP
Social Security Minister Hilmi İşgüzar INDEP.
Local Government Minister Mahmut Özdemir CHP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu