
Republic of Turkey (post-1980 coup)

Özal I

From: 13/12/1983
To: 29/11/1987

Prime Minister Turgut Özal ANAP
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State İsmet Kaya Erdem ANAP
Minister of State İsmail Özdaĝlar ANAP
Minister of State Ahmet Kurtcebe Alptemoçin ANAP
Minister of State Saudi Neşe Türel ANAP
Minister of State Ahmet Mesut Yılmaz ANAP
Minister of State Abdullah Tenekeci ANAP
Minister of State Kazım Oksay ANAP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Vahit Melih Halefoğlu ANAP
Minister of the Interior Ali Tanrıyar ANAP
Minister of Finance and Customs Vural Arıkan ANAP
Minister of Justice Mehet Necati Eldem ANAP
Minister of National Defence Zeki Yavuztürk ANAP
Minister of Labour and Social Security Mustafa Kalemli ANAP
Minister of National Education,Youth and Sports Mehet Vehbi Dinçerler ANAP
Minister of Health and Social Welfare Mehet Aydin ANAP
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs Hüsnü Doğan ANAP
Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Mükerrem Taşçıoğlu ANAP
Minister of Transport Veysel Atasoy ANAP
Minister of Industry and Trade Hüseyin Cahit Aral ANAP
Minister of Public Works and Housing İsmail Safa Giray ANAP
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Cemal Büryürbaş ANAP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu