Republic of Turkey (post-1980 coup)
Prime Minister | Yıldırın Akbulut | ANAP |
Deputy Prime Minister and Ministe of State | Ali Hüsrev Bozer | ANAP |
Minister of State | Kamran İnan | ANAP |
Minister of State | Güneş Taner | ANAP |
Minister of State | Cemil Çiçek | ANAP |
Minister of State | Işin Çelebi | ANAP |
Minister of State | Mehmet Yazar | ANAP |
Minister of State | Mehmet Keçeciler | ANAP |
Minister of State | Hüsnü Doğan | ANAP |
Minister of State | Mehmet Vehbi Dinçerler | ANAP |
Minister of State | Mustafa Rüstü Taşar | ANAP |
Minister of State | Kemal Akkaya | ANAP |
Minister of State | Husamettin Örüç | ANAP |
Minister of State | İbrahim Özdemir | ANAP |
Minister of State | İsmet Özarslan | ANAP |
Minister of State | Recep Ercüment Konukman | ANAP |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Ahmet Mesut Yılmaz | ANAP |
Minister of the Interior | Abdülkadir Aksu | ANAP |
Minister of Finance and Customs | Ekrem Pakdemirli | ANAP |
Minister of Justice | Mahmut Oltan Sungurlu | ANAP |
Minister of National Defence | Ismail Safa Giray | ANAP |
Minister of Labour and Social Security | İmren Aykut | ANAP |
Minister of National Education | Avni Akyol | ANAP |
Minister of Health | Halil Şıngın | ANAP |
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs | Lüfullah Kayalar | ANAP |
Minister of Culture | Namık Kemal Zeybek | ANAP |
Minister of Transport | Cengiz Tuncer | ANAP |
Minister of Industry and Trade | Şükrü Yürür | ANAP |
Minister of Public Works and Housing | Cengiz Altınkaya | ANAP |
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources | Fahrettin Kurt | ANAP |
Minister of Tourism | İlhan Aküzüm | ANAP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu