
Weimar Republic

Brüning III

From: 05/12/1930
To: 07/10/1931

Chancellor Heinrich Brüning ZENTRUM
Vice-chancellor and Minister of Finance Herman Robert Dietrich DSTP
Minister of Foreign Affairs Julius Curtius DVP
Minister of Internal Affairs Joseph Wirth ZENTRUM
Minister of Defence Wihlhem Groener INDEP.
Minister of Labour Adam Stegerwald ZENTRUM
Minister of Food and Agriculture Martin Schiele CNBL
Minister of Transport Theodor V. Gérard ZENTRUM
Minister of Posts Georg Schätzel BVP
Minister without Portfolio Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus KVP

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: