Third Republic
Prime Minister | Waldemar Pawlak | PSL |
Minister-Chief of the Council of Ministers Office | Michał Strąk | PSL |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Andrzej Olechowski | INDEP. |
Minister of Internal Affairs | Andrzej Milczanowski | INDEP. |
Minister of International Economic Cooperation | Lesław Podkański | PSL |
Minister of Finance | Marek Borowski | SLD |
Minister of Justice | Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz | SLD |
Minister of National Defence | Piotr Kołodziejczyk | INDEP. |
Minister of Labour and Social Policy | Leszek Miller | SLD |
Minister of National Education | Aleksander Łuczak | PSL |
Minister of Health and Social Welfare | Ryszard Jarek Żochowski | SLD |
Minister of Agriculture | Andrzej Śmietanko | PSL |
Minister of Industry and Commerce | Marek Pol | INDEP. |
Minister of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources, and Forestry | Stanisław Żelichowski | PSL |
Minister of Housing and Urban Development | Barbara Blida | SLD |
Minister of Communications | Andrzej Zieliński | INDEP. |
Miniter for Property Rights Restructuring | Wiesław Kaczmarek | SLD |
Minister-Head of Central Planning Office | Mirosław Pietrewicz | PSL |
Chairman of the Committee for Scientific Research | Witold Karczewski | INDEP. |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu