
Third Republic

Buzek II

From: 26/03/1999
To: 18/10/1999

Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek RS AWS
Minister of Foreign Affairs Bronislaw Geremek UW
Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration Janusz Tomaszewski RS AWS
Minister of Economy Janusz Steinhoff RS AWS
Minister of Finance Leszek Balcerowicz UW
Minister of Justice Hanna Suchocka UW
Minister of National Defence Janusz Onyszkiewicz UW
Minister of Labour and Social Policy Longin Komołowski RS AWS
Minister of National Education Mirosław Handke INDEP.
Minister of Health and Social Welfare Franciska Cegielska RUCH STU
Minister of Agriculture Artur Balazs SKL
Minister of Culture and Art Andrzej Zakrzewski SKL
Minister of the State Treasure Emil Wąsacz RS AWS
Minister of Transportation and Marine Economy Tadeusz Syryjczyk UW
Minister of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry Jan Szyszko PC
Minister of Communications Maciej Srebro ZCHN
Minister-Chief of the Government Centre for Strategic Studies Jerzy Kropiwnicki ZCHN
Minister without Portfolio (co-ordinator of special "secret" services) Janusz Pałubicki RS AWS
Chairman of the Committee for Scientific Research Andrzej Wiszniewski RS AWS

Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu