Third Republic
Morawiecki I
Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Finance | Mateusz Morawiecki | PIS |
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and National Heritage | Piotr Gliński | PIS |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Higher Education | Jarosław Gowin | P |
Deputy Prime Minister | Beata Szydło | PIS |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Witold Waszczykowski | PIS |
Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration | Mariusz Błaszczak | PIS |
Minister of Justice | Zbigniew Ziobro | SP |
Minister of National Defence | Antoni Macierewicz | PIS |
Minister of Labour and Social Policy | Elżbieta Rafalska | PIS |
Minister of National Education | Anna Zalewska | PIS |
Minister of Health | Konstanty Radziwiłł | INDEP. |
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development | Krzystof Jurgiel | PIS |
Minister of Infrastructure and Construction | Andrzej Adamczyk | PIS |
Minister of Marine Economy | Marek Gróbarczyk | PIS |
Minister of Environment | Jan Szyszko | PIS |
Minister of Sports and Tourism | Witold Bańka | INDEP. |
Minister of Digital Affairs | Anna Strenżyńska | INDEP. |
Minister of Energy | Krzysztof Tchrórzewski | PIS |
Minister without Portfolio | Henryk Kowalczyk | PIS |
Minister without Portfolio | Mariusz Kamiński | PIS |
Minister without Portfolio | Elżbieta Witek | PIS |
Minister without Portfolio | Beata Kempa | SP |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: whogoverns.eu