Espot Zamora II
Prime Minister | Xavier Espot Zamora | DA |
Minister of Foreign Affairs | Imma Tor Faus | DA |
Minister of Economy, Labour, Housing and the Presidency | Conxita Marsol Riart | DA |
Minister of Finances | Ramon Lladós Bernaus | DA |
Minister of Justice and Interior | Ester Molné Soldevila | DA |
Minister of Educatio, Universities and Institutional Relations | Ladislau Baró Solà | DA |
Minister of Health | Helena Mas Santuré | DA |
Minister of Environment, Agriculture and Sustainability | Guillem Casal Font | DA |
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports | Mònica Bonell Tuset | DA |
Minister of Tourism and Trade | Jordi Torres Falcó | DA |
Minister of Territorial Order and Urbanism | Raül Ferré Bonet | CC |
Please cite the following database as: Casal Bértoa, F. (2025): Database on WHO GOVERNS in Europe and beyond, PSGo. Available at: