
Nečas I

From: 13/07/2010
To: 21/04/2012

Prime Minister Petr Nečas ODS
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Karel Schwarzenberg TOP09
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior John Radek VV
Minister of Finance Miroslav Kalousek TOP09
Minister of Justice Jiří Pospíšíl ODS
Minister of Defence Alexandr Vondra ODS
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Jaromír Drábek TOP09
Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Josef Dobeš VV
Minister of Health Leoš Heger TOP09
Minister for Agriculture Ivan Fuksa ODS
Minister of Culture Jiří Besser INDEP.
Minister of Transportation Vít Bárta VV
Minister of Industry and Trade Martin Kocourek ODS
Minister for Environmental Protection Pavel Drobil ODS
Minister for Regional Development Kamil Jankovský VV

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